jump up

Alice was not a bit hurt, and she jumped up on to her feet in a moment: 🔊

Alice was not a bit hurt, and she jumped up on to her feet in a moment: 🔊

when the Queen jumped up and bawled out, “Hes murdering the time! Off with his head!”’ 🔊

when the Queen jumped up and bawled out, “Hes murdering the time! Off with his head!”’ 🔊

Get up!’ said the Queen, in a shrill, loud voice, and the three gardeners instantly jumped up, and began bowing to the King, the Queen, the royal children, and everybody else. 🔊

Get up!’ said the Queen, in a shrill, loud voice, and the three gardeners instantly jumped up, and began bowing to the King, the Queen, the royal children, and everybody else. 🔊

and she jumped up in such a hurry that she tipped over the jury-box with the edge of her skirt, upsetting all the jurymen on to the heads of the crowd below, 🔊

and she jumped up in such a hurry that she tipped over the jury-box with the edge of her skirt, upsetting all the jurymen on to the heads of the crowd below, 🔊

Theres more evidence to come yet, please your Majesty,’ said the White Rabbit, jumping up in a great hurry; ‘this paper has just been picked up.’ 🔊

Theres more evidence to come yet, please your Majesty,’ said the White Rabbit, jumping up in a great hurry; ‘this paper has just been picked up.’ 🔊

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